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CDC Issues Tools To Guide Reopening Of Schools, Businesses, Transit
USA Today:
Coronavirus updates: Prestigious medical journal blasts Trump; parts of New York to open; CDC publishes (short) reopening guidance
re opening Townhall:
People With Pre-existing Conditions Know It: Donald Trump Is the Healthcare President
National Review:
Fauci Is Not the Villain
President Trump Believes Michael Flynn Will Be 'Totally Exonerated'
The Hill:
Flynn documents are the 'smoking gun' on Comey's FBI
New Flynn Documents The Federalists:
Explosive New Flynn Documents Show FBI Goal Was To ‘Get Him Fired’
Scalise on Flynn Prosecution: ‘People Ought to Go to Jail’ — Strzok ‘Would Be at the Top of the List’
USA Today:
Biden denies sex assault claim. If you don't believe him, should you vote for him anyway?
Fox News:
Leslie Marshall: I believe Joe Biden
Tara Reid accusations against Biden Red State:
Here Are the Problems With Biden’s Response and How He’s Not Acting as He Demanded Others Act about Transparency
National Archives Admin Refutes Joe Biden
Trump is driving Birx to a tough spot. It's about to get even tougher
Boston Globe:
Disinfect the White House of quackery
Covid 19 respsonse OANN:
Global Coronavirus Cases Pass Three Million As Lockdowns Begin To Ease
Donald Trump Jr. on Father Scaling Back Coronavirus Press Briefings: ‘You Can’t Win’ with Establishment Media
The Hill:
Trump's vow to suspend immigration leaves key questions unanswered
Immigration Will Be Another Casualty of the Coronavirus
Immigration Ban OANN:
National Security Adviser Says President Trump’s Immigration Ban Is To Keep Americans Safe
The Federalists:
Trumps plan to suspend immigration makes sense
Trump halts World Health Organization funding over handling of coronavirus outbreak
Bill Gates calls Trump’s decision to halt funding for WHO ‘as dangerous as it sounds’
US WHO Funding OANN:
President Trump Halts Funding To WHO
China Warns U.S. to ‘Fulfill Its Obligations’ and Reverse WHO Defunding
Bernie Sanders ends his second bid for the presidency
Fox News:
Stocks surge after Bernie Sanders suspends presidential campaign
Sanders out of race Townhall:
Bernie Drops Out of the 2020 Race
Bernie Sanders Quits White House Race
Hyped Malaria Drug Not Showing Much Effect at One Paris Hospita
Washington Times:
Hydroxychloroquine rated 'most effective therapy' by doctors for coronavirus: Global survey
Hydroxychloroquine Townhall:
NYT: Small Study Shows Hydroxychloroquine's Positive Impact on Coronavirus Patients
Henry Ford uses hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 symptoms, says benefits outweigh risks
NY Times:
Trump is hurting his own reelection chances
Trump's path to extending coronavirus guidelines was led by health experts and the scenes at one New York hospital
social distancing extension by Trump Fox News:
Media vs. Trump, coronavirus — here's what they hate the most
Trump Extends Coronavirus Guidelines to April 30
Senate GOP ramps up pressure on Democrats over coronavirus stimulus package with Monday vote
LA Times:
Can Democrats take back the Senate? Possibly. Here’s how
stimulus package with Monday vote Fox News:
Republicans say Dems blocking coronavirus relief over ‘ideological wish list’
Dems Dig In: Pass Our Agenda or No Relief