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NY Times:
Senator Richard Burr Sold a Fortune in Stocks as G.O.P. Played Down Coronavirus Threat
Daily Beast:
Sen. Kelly Loeffler Dumped Millions in Stock After Coronavirus Briefing
Senate stock sale scandal Fox News:
Dianne Feinstein, 3 Senate colleagues sold off stocks before coronavirus crash
Red State:
Tucker Carlson Takes a Flamethrower to Richard Burr Over Insider Trading Allegations
The Hill:
GOP divided on next steps for massive stimulus package
NY Post:
Trump promises coronavirus stimulus money coming ‘soon’ to Americans
coronavirus stimulus package OAN:
President Trump Says Financial Help Is On The Way To Those Affected By Public Health Crisis
Red State:
MSNBC's Chris Hayes Sees a Green New Deal Opening With Economic Stimulus Package, but Ted Cruz Would Like a Word
Washington Post:
White House expresses support for making immediate cash payments to Americans as part of coronavirus stimulus package
Fox News:
Trump wants to send Americans checks ‘immediately’ in response to coronavirus, Mnuchin says
Corona tax relief OAN:
Senate Passes Changes To Coronavirus Relief Bill
Trump Wants to Send Checks to Households Immediately
Coronavirus: NY, NJ, Connecticut coordinate restrictions on restaurants, limit events to fewer than 50 people
N.J. closing casinos, bars, restaurants and movie theaters tonight because of coronavirus
Corona shutdown OAN:
President Trump Advises Americans: ‘Relax, We’re Doing Great’
Surgeon General on Coronavirus Testing: ‘We’ve Reached a Turning Point’
NY Times:
No Audience? No Problem. A TV Debate Like Few Others Gets High Marks
4 Takeaways From The Biden-Sanders Debate During The Coronavirus Crisis
Dem debate in Washington Red State:
Joe Biden Comes Out of the Radical Closet: ‘No More Drilling, Period,’ No New Fracking, ‘Take Millions of Cars Off Road’
Democrat Debates Ignored Coronavirus Almost Entirely Before Feb. 25
Trump address sparks chaos as coronavirus crisis deepens
Washington Post:
Trumps oval office failure
Trump coronavirus address Townhall:
People Are Now Upset Trump Called it a 'Foreign Virus'
Red State:
Brian Stelter’s Reaction to Trump’s Wuhan Virus Speech Tells Us Everything We Need to Know About Brian Stelter
5 takeaways as Biden takes command of Democratic race on Super Tuesday II
NY Post:
Detroit construction worker speaks out after confrontation with Joe Biden
Super Tuesday II OAN:
Joe Biden Solidifies Lead In Democrat Primaries
National Review:
The Fire Berns Out
Fissures widen between White House and health agencies over coronavirus
Washington Post:
While the world deals with coronavirus, Trump glorifies himself on twitter
Coronavirus The Federalists:
The Coronavirus Outbreak Has Given Beijing A New Tool To Suppress Dissent
Donald Trump Announces Financial Assistance for Americans Impacted by Coronavirus
The Supreme Court gets dragged into 2020
The Hill:
Schumer walks back words he used on Supreme Court justices
Schumer threatens SCOTUS Fox News:
Chuck Schumer abandoned shame with Supreme Court comments
The Federalists:
Stop Blaming Kavanaugh For Schumer’s SCOTUS Threats
USA Today:
Many young voters sat out Super Tuesday, contributing to Bernie Sanders' losses
5 takeaways as Joe Biden scores stunning wins on Super Tuesday
Super Tuesday Red State:
AOC, Omar, and the Squad Lose Big on Super Tuesday
Dow Surges More Than 1,100 Points in Coronavirus and Super Tuesday Relief Rally