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Washington Post:
Three ways of looking at Pete Buttigieg’s 2020 campaign
NY Times:
Pete Buttigieg Drops Out of Democratic Presidential Race
South Carolina primary reuslts Townhall:
What Does Biden's Resounding Win Mean for Super Tuesday?
National Review:
Bye, Buttigieg
winners and losers from the 10th presidential debate
The Hill:
Winners and losers from the South Carolina debate
South Carolina debate OAN:
Highlights From 10th Democrat Primary Debate In S.C.
The Debate Spectacle of Emasculated Democrats Raising Their Hands Like Babies
Washington Post:
Trump’s second day in India: Violence in Delhi and praise for Modi’s efforts on religious freedom
US-China rivalry simmers in India as Trump visits
Trump in India Townhall:
Trump and Acosta Spar During India News Conference
In India, Donald Trump Scatters Flower Petals at Gandhi Memorial
Democratic candidates face most diverse electorate so far in Nevada caucuses
USA Today:
Calm down, America. If election results aren't instant, it doesn't mean they're 'rigged.'
Nevada Caucuses Pre Red State:
Elizabeth Warren Announces Support for the Destruction of Women’s Sports, It Doesn’t Go Well
National Review:
Bloomberg’s China Apologetics Should Disqualify Him from the Presidency
Elizabeth Warren grills Mike Bloomberg over allegations of sexism and nondisclosure agreements
NY Times:
Winners and Losers of the Democratic Debate
Dem Nevada Debate OAN:
Democrats Take Aim At Bloomberg, Sanders During Las Vegas Debate
National Review:
Knives Out: A Glorious Wrestlemania of a Democratic Debate
Trump commutes Blagojevich's sentence and grants clemency to 10 others
NBC News:
A Grayer Blagojevich Thanks Trump For Commuting Prison Sentence
Trump commutes Blagojevichs sentence Townhall:
Blagojevich Thanks Trump Before Heading Home, Scolds Democrats for Treating Him Poorly
Rod Blagojevich: Im A Trumpocrat
5 takeaways from the New Hampshire Democratic primary
Klobuchar's 3rd Place Finish In New Hampshire 'Shocked The Establishment'
New Hampshire Democratic primary Red State:
New Hampshire Exit Polls Expose Vacancy of Democrats
Amnesty: Amy Klobuchar Promises Welcome for World’s Migrants
NBC News:
owa officially gives Buttigieg the largest delegate count, followed closely by Sanders
Iowa was an embarrassment
Iowa caucus Townhall:
Iowa Democratic Party Chair Refuses DNC Chair's Request For Recanvass
Andrew Yang Overheard on Iowa Caucus Disaster: ‘That Whole Thing Was So Weird’
Washington Post:
President Trump Denounces ‘Terrible Ordeal’ of Impeachment
NY Times:
What Will Finally Defeat Donald Trump?
Trump Acquitted OAN:
Trump proudly displays 'Acquitted' headlines, mere feet from Pelosi at prayer breakfast
Trump Impeachment Trial
Nancy Pelosi ripping Donald Trump's speech may not have been planned, but it was effective
NY Post:
State of the Union address: Trump hits grand slam, while Pelosi just looks sad
State of the union 2020 The Federalist:
13 Key Takeaways From President Trump’s Epic State Of The Union Address
Red State:
White House Lights Up Pelosi for Speech-Ripping as She Claims She Was ‘Extending Hand of Friendship’